Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Where will you be when the rooster crows?

When was the last time you heard a rooster crow??  I grew up on a part time farm.  My dad had a job and the farming was a part time thing. We had cows, horses, chickens and roosters. The thing about roosters are they have a very distinct crow.  The roosters on our farm usually chose to make their voices vocal about the time the sun was just peeking over the horizon.  I have a feeling that all roosters like to send this wake up call to everybody within earshot.  They see the light and want to share the news, "Time to Wake Up!!".  

Have you ever struggled with something that is wrong but you tell yourself you will NEVER do that. NEVER!!  Days or months go by and then you slip and do whatever it is that you had said, no, I will NEVER do that!!  Did you wake up to a rooster crow with the light of the new day bringing pain and shame?  If you have you are in good company!

Matthew 26:69-75 tells of one named Peter.  Jesus had told Peter that he would deny him three times before the rooster crowed.  Peter told Jesus that he would NEVER deny or disown him.  NEVER!! Immediately after the third time that Peter denied Jesus a rooster crowed.  I am sure that Peter quickly felt the pain and shame of what he had done.  He wept bitterly!!

Peter made a mistake but he didn't let it defeat him.  He spent the rest of his life telling others about Jesus.  His mistake did change him.  It made him better!  He saw the light and wanted to share the news. When you get your wake up call; what will you do?  How will you spend the rest of you life?

          Where will you be when the rooster crows?     COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!


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