Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Journey Continues, Day Six, Open Letter to Satin

Dear Satin,
  Just a short letter to let you know.  You are a loser!!  You will not win.  Just thought you might want to know that no matter what you send our way, Christ is in Richard and He is in me and because of that you can never defeat us!!  Jesus is our shield and defender!!
  It doesn't matter how many weeks Richard may have to endure in that tiny unit with no treadmill or how many miles I may drive to a book signing, then end up spending more on a meal then what I make, you will not win.  The fatigue of chemo and high sugar levels will not defeat Richard.  The exhaustion from driving back and forth to the hospital, working and getting my daughter through her last days of this school year does not matter, you still don't win.  Coming home to a refrigerator that has stopped working and the spoiled milk inside will not defeat us.  God is our strength and comforter and His people are praying for us.
  The fact is we get through this time because we are in the Hand of God.  He is carrying us and no matter what happens we WIN!!
    Just wanted to remind you that we are in the Hands of your Defeater.  Now go back to where you belong.  You might get a whiff of smoke!

Psalm 46:1 (New International Version)

Psalm 46[a]
 1 God is our refuge and strength,
   an ever-present help in trouble.


  1. Amen & Amen! The Battle is the Lord's & the Victory is already won!

  2. Amen girl!! Say it like it is..Love ya!
