Friday, May 27, 2011

The Journey Continues, Day 18 or +10

The day that Richard entered the hospital I counted it Day 1 and now I am counting it day 18.
Today actually is day 17 or day +10.  As I mentioned yesterday I am a day off because of blogging it day 1, the day he entered the hospital. The nurses have a different system of counting the days that led up to the transplant day. They have a countdown.  Day 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and then they were at day 0.  That was transplant day.  They are now counting + days since the transplant.  The day of transplant changed a few times but the nurses still continued the countdown to day 0.  Day 0 was a day of excitement and anticipation of transplanting that new immune system to replace the old faulty one.

This countdown reminded me of the countdown of the births of my babies.  I remember the excitement and counting the days down.  The countdown with babies though are all subject to when that baby is ready to get here.  I remember telling people things like I am 30 weeks with only 10 more weeks to go.  I never made it to 40 weeks but the countdown was there just the same.  There was still that excitement of waiting to greet my child.  My children are now 28, 26, 23 and 12 but I still remember greeting each one of them just like it was yesterday.

We all have another countdown.  Once we are born God has a countdown.  He is counting and waiting for us to come to Him.  He wants us to make Him our Lord and Savior.  For those of us that have, we are now on the plus side.  I am now +41years and counting.  There is much excitement in heaven when a countdown moves to the + side.  We have a Savior to guide us through this race of life.  We have our brothers and sisters in Christ who help us through these days on earth.

Richard is on lasix now.  He will be having another x-ray today.  He actually gets to go off the bone marrow transplant floor to go to the emergency room to do this.  He seemed pretty excited he gets to see some new territory.  The nurse told him that his white count might have started moving up which means that the graft/host thing could start happening in the next few days.  Hopefully he will be over the pneumonia, have the water gain back down before this starts.  This has been a rough week for him but hopefully it will only get better from here.  He is in this race to win it!!!

Acts 20:24 (New International Version)

24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

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