Friday, May 13, 2011

The Journey Continues, Day Three and Four

These last two days have been interesting days for Richard.  He seems to have found a way to pass the time by playing solitary and trying to sneak a box with an unassembled treadmill past the nurses and into his room.  Last August when Richard had his first stay in the bone marrow transplant unit this same treadmill was there in the same spot waiting to be put together.  The word was that the safety department had to OK this donation before it could be used by the patients.

This year when it was noticed that the treadmill was still waiting approval, Richard made up his mind that he was going to put that treadmill together whether it was approved or not.  He even asked the Dr. if he could put the thing together and was told yes, but the nurses kept saying no, no, not til it is approved.  So with the aid of the physical therapist, he did drag that box into his room while she kept his IV pole upright.  He wasn't quite sneaky enough though.

He was busy tearing into the box and taking parts out when in ran a male nurse and told Richard that he could not do that.  Richard told him ok as he continued to take parts out.  The nurse then told him I am going to have to take that, it is not approved by the safety committee and Richard just said ok, taking out parts the whole time.  The nurse grabbed the parts and the torn apart box then disappeared with the treadmill.  It is no longer on the unit.  The Dr. visited Richard twice yesterday, the morning time when he told Richard he could put the treadmill together and then early evening after getting a report on the bad boy of the unit.  The Dr. did tell Richard that he was going to try to get approval so that Richard could put the treadmill together before he goes home.

On a medical note, the steroids that Richard has been given is messing with his blood sugar and he has had to have insulin.  The nurse told Richard that usually after about three or four days it should regulate. Also they have moved the transplant day to the 17th.

Richard says he feels good and seems cheerful when I call.  It is such a shame that the hospital is not using the donations given to the unit.  These are items that would benefit the patients.  Maybe that safety committee should come and hang out on the bone marrow transplant unit for a week.  They might get tired of walking up and down a very short hall and maybe change their ways.


Jeremiah 18:11 (New International Version)

 11 “Now therefore say to the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem, ‘This is what the LORD says: Look! I am preparing a disaster for you and devising a plan against you. So turn from your evil ways, each one of you, and reform your ways and your actions

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