Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Journey Continues, Day Two

Well it has been an interesting 24 hours with much growling already!!  The Dr. had told us to be here at nine and we got here about fifteen minutes late.  There was a wreck on 2-35 which had traffic backed up a ways but we got off on 1-40 and hurried to the hospital.  Once we got in the hospital it was alot of waiting and much growling from Richard. LOL  I hope he doesn't read this one.  It seems to be hurry up and get here so you can wait. 

Things finally got going with a pic line put in around noon, talking with Dr.s and nurses and getting instructions on what you can do and what you can't do.  He can't do much. No fresh veggies or fruits. No fresh plants or cut flowers.  He can walk up and down the hall as he wishes and there is an exercise bike in the room next to us, which by the way, we got a bigger room this time but the recliner sucks.  Now I am doing a little growling! They are fairly liberal on the visiting and he can have phones calls.  No babies that are in diapers or anyone that has just had their immunizations or been sick can visit.  Other then that most people can come here but the nurses may screen you, but not  like the airports.

The transplant day will be the 18th after those days of chemo and a day rest.  We knew that the donor was a woman and that she was an excellent match.  They look for 10 matches and the more you match the better.  This match is 10 out of 10!!!!!!!!     We give thanks to all the people on the Bone Marrow Register who are willing to give.

The nurses have warned Richard that he will feel more sick this time and he frowned at them and growled something like, "We'll see!"  His white blood count is down to 2.1 and he has been told that when it goes below 1. he will not be allowed to take showers but can do sponge bathing. LOL I wished I had a camera for the look on his face.    They came in at least three or four times during the night. After a night of some sleep he did finally smile this morning!

Ephesians 5:20 (New International Version, ©2011)

20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ


  1. 10 out of 10!!! God is really working in this one!

  2. Great news on the donor match! We'll pray she has some really tough stem cells. Maybe she's a Marine! Richard's always determined to show them he won't be out of commission as long as they say. They may not know he's got the secret weapon - Jesus!

    We'll pray for you tonight at Bible Study and all through this time with you. Our God will do above and beyond!


  3. Great news, 10 out 10. Can't beat that!God is good.
