Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Journey Continues:Update Feb. 2014

Just when I think that we are in the clear and do not need to update, something happens.  I guess that is the nature of the graft vs host beast.  Just when I think that Richard might be slipping into normal, it rears it's ugly head and sends him back into that dark abyss.  Part of his problem, and I do tell him this, is that he wants it to be gone so bad he can't see what is happening.  It is blamed on normal stuff but in reality the majority of the time it is graft vs host.

It has been a long time since we have had to make weekly treks south to Oklahoma City but next week will be the fourth week in a row.  Two weeks ago it was pneumonia, sinus, mouth sores, RSV and graft vs host problems.  Last week it was check-up and a cat scan.  The graft vs host was not any better, the congestion was still there but not quite as bad and the cat scan showed two spots on his neck.  This week the congestion is better but the graft vs host had not changed.  They have put him back on anti-rejection medicine, antibiotic, a liquid steroid to help with the mouth sores, and another medicine to help with his immune system.  They also did a skin biopsy to make sure that the fight is all graft vs host.  He was told that he has chronic graft vs host and acute graft vs host.

The Doctor did tell us that there could be a silver lining.  He said that the acute graft vs host rash looks like the kind that normally will get rid of tumors and that the cancers usually don't return when a person is afflicted with this.  The key word here is normal.  You guys all know that my Richard is not normal.  My prayer though is that the Doctor is right.

I do try to get my husband to listen to me when I think he has graft vs host.  Normally he doesn't listen, sometimes to the point where it has almost been to late.  Thinking about this and how he reacts made me think about sin in my life.  How many times do I sin and as I am slipping into that dark abyss it just seems normal.  I blame other things and other people but it is just sin. That is the nature of that beast called sin.  There is a silver lining though.  It is Jesus!  He is the medicine that I need.  He woos and calls me until I realize that I am in the grips of sin. He than pulls me up out of that deep, dark abyss and back into His light.

What about you?  Are you in the light?

John 14:6

New King James Version (NKJV)
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Are you listening?


The other day a good friend and I were talking and the subject came up about the art of listening.  It does seem that some people do not listen. They only want to talk.  They want to tell their story but they don't seem to listen in return.  This made me think about how well that I listen.  I decided that I really don't listen very well.  Many times my mind is wandering to other things and sometimes I look up to see the talker looking at me with a weird look.  I know that I am probably supposed to respond with something but since I don't know what was said I don't know what to say.  A conversation should be give and take, not one sided, but if one is not listening the right response will probably not come out of the mouth.

In thinking about the give and take of a conversation I also realize that many times my conversations with God are one sided.  Many times I am telling God what I need and what I want to happen but than I am not being still to listen to His response.  I wonder how many times God is speaking to me but I don't respond because I haven't heard what was being said?  I have to learn to be still and listen!

Are you listening?

Proverbs 23:19

New International Version (NIV)

Saying 16

19 Listen, my son, and be wise,
    and set your heart on the right path:

Psalm 46:10

New International Version (NIV)
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”