Monday, May 30, 2011

The Journey Continues, Day +13. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

You know life is going to throw you some good, bad and ugly and we have all went through it.  Usually though you don't get it all in one serving.  Richard has just went through a bad, ugly night but did get some good results this morning.

If you have been keeping up with the updates you know that Richard has had some labored breathing but the x-rays are all showing clear.  He had another x-ray this morning and that came back clear.  He has been going through some ugly symptoms though.  He has been coughing up thick gunk.  His oxygen level dropped to 81 last night, with very fast respirations and he has been on oxygen since then.  He started running a fever and they did more blood cultures but haven't got results back from them.  His fever disappeared around midnight though.  He received more lasix around elevenish and spent much of the night getting rid of fluids.  Right now his respirations are still rapid and he is trying to catch up on sleep.

The good in all of this mess is he now seems to have an immune system!!!!  His white counts are up to 2.7, platelets are 58 and his ANC count(the important one) is 1200.  That should only continue to move up.  The Dr. said if he does have an infection, his body will be able to fight it.  The bad and ugly is that he may have had a blood clot go to his lungs and they are going to be doing an ultra sound of his left leg and another test of his lungs.  Course part of the bad is the WAITING!!  We did NOT pray for patience!

The Dr. did say depending on what they find out that there is still the chance that he could go home Wednesday but he seemed doubtful.  If Richard did have a blood clot go to his lungs, then it is a good thing that he is here where they know what to do.  Will update as I get results.

“In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” - Psalm 56:4

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