Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Less of Me, More of YOU!

I was reading a blog by Wendy Jones yesterday and in it she talked about wanting less of her and more of God. That has been what I want for a long time now.  I remember as a youth at Falls Creek, the youth teacher was talking about this concept and it stuck.  I have prayed about this many times.  For some reason, me keeps getting in the way of God.

I should be less of me, no matter what the circumstances.  It shouldn't matter that I have slept the last 5 out of 8 nights in a recliner or that I have made three trips to the city and back with another trip today.  It shouldn't matter that I forgot to minus an automatic draft out of my bank balance. It shouldn't matter that I am so tired that if you look at me wrong I want to slap you.

The reason is it should not matter is that I have the SOURCE.  No matter what I am going through I have the POWER.  This is what keeps me going.  This POWER is from JESUS.  The devil knows that I want to be more like JESUS and sends things that he knows are a weakness.  BUT I have the POWER and only through this POWER will I become less of me!!

Do you need hooked up to the POWER??  All you have to do is ask.

Hebrews 2:14

New International Version (NIV)

 14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—

1 comment:

  1. Great post Brenda! What do ya know I forgot to minus an automatic bank draft out of our bank balance too! It was an online bill pay payment and we just got it set up and I thought when it said it sent it, that it already accounted for it on the account, but it didn't. Ugh...oh well, it is for the best. Sometimes when I think about what my circumstances must look like to God, I think, "Even THIS is a light and momentary affliction compared to God, His glory, and His purpose..." He still wants us to come to Him though...He cares about ALL the trials big and small. It's amazing how God really does take over when we truly tap into that POWER. Haha...kinda makes me think of HeMan when he said, "I HAVE THE POWER!" I'm praying that God will make me like SHE-RA and I will be a mighty warrior for Him when these life trials come! :)
