Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Journey Continues: Back home again, last day for home health.

I have been waiting to post an update until we got lab results.   The results were called to Richard on Friday but I have been either running or too tired to look at the computer much less type on one. LOL

Richard's white blood counts were down to 700 and he did have to get shots Friday, Saturday and today.  He will be doing the IGG infusion once a month at the Doctor's office. He also had to take a 24 hour sample of urine out put to the hospital lab today.  Don't tell him that I posted this.  He thinks that is too private.  He is feeling a little stronger but he hasn't touched the computer in weeks.  The urine sample from Wednesday did show protein and that is why they wanted more, over that 24 hour time frame.  He will be doing blood work every other day at the hospital in the mornings.

I hooked him up to his last IV medicine this morning!!!!  No more getting up an hour early!!! The home health nurse came this afternoon and took the power port needle out and had him sign release papers from them.  She kept saying that if we need them to just call.  I am hoping that we will never need them again and I know Richard is too.  He is still on about ten medicines, by mouth, a day but I can handle that.  It is so much easier than hooking up to the IV.

Richard still has quite a bit of swelling but is planning on going to work tomorrow.  We made a quick trip to the shoe department in K-Mart to get him a bigger pair of safety shoes.  He can't get his work boots on.

This journey has been so much longer than ever anticipated but God has given the strength and endurance to   keep going.   Richard has felt at times like this journey will never  end and that God was not hearing his prayers but then he would get a call, a visit or a card.    He has sent angels to lessen our burden and He has wrapped His loving arms around us!!  God will give the strength and endurance to finish this journey!!

Colossians 1:11

New International Version (NIV)
11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience,

1 comment:

  1. You always pick the greatest verses! God is with you, He has His hand upon you, and He will never leave you nor forsake you or ever let you go! You have come to know Him more through this trial and it is a special way He has chosen to reveal Himself to you and Richard in this time...praise Him! Praise Him!
