Saturday, August 20, 2011

Red Light, Green Light, but what about Yellow?

The traffic in this town that I live is crazy.  You have a mix of slow and fast drivers.  I always seem to get behind the slow ones.  Then there are the ones that just stop for no reason. I wonder if they are trying to get hit?  I have seen people turn across traffic and make rolling stops.  Right now my biggest pet peeve is the traffic lights.

Red light means stop, green light means go but what does the yellow light mean?  From observing yellow light behavior in this town it seems to me that most people think it means gun it as fast as you can and get through the light.  I was thinking that the yellow light is a caution light and if you are in the intersection when it turns yellow go on through but if you are coming to a yellow light slow down and stop.  I have seen  many blow  through a yellow light as it turned red.  People have  honked at me because I stopped when the light turned yellow. My daughter has even told me to go on through the yellow lights because everybody else does.
Traffic lights are like rules, green means go, red means stop and yellow is caution.  Sometimes failure to follow these rules can results in a crash or even death.

What about the rules inside us?  The ones that God has given us. The ones in the Bible?  Do we obey when He gives us a green or red light? What about the yellow light?

Luke 11:28

New International Version (NIV)

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”


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