Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Long and Whiny Road:Children, cars and obediance

I grew up cruising Highway 66.  It was one of the roads that I traveled while in Drivers Ed class.  It became well known to me especially the stretch from my house off of Highway 177 onto 66 that lead into my hometown of Wellston.  Technically my three son's hometown is Wellston also and they spent some of their  first years traveling that stretch of road.

When my youngest son was around a year old the powers that be started cracking down on seat belt use.  It was going to become mandatory to use seat beats.  I remember that there was a period of time that we had to get used to this and to start using them.  It was a grace period.  If we got caught we would get a warning.

I was heading into town one day in my little Toyota Corolla.  I had some big boxes in the back seat and my youngest was wedged into the corner almost hidden by the big boxes.  He fell fast asleep as his two older brothers shared the passenger front seat.  I was almost to town when I noticed a car behind me.  It was a highway patrol car.  I instantly cautioned my two in the front seat to sit still.  Well my number two son had this problem.  He sometimes liked to do the exact opposite of what I told him to do.  He immediately jumped up, stood in the seat facing backward and he had a really good view as the red lights came on.

I pulled over and I cautioned the boys to just be quiet.  The youngest was still in the back sound asleep.  The officer made it to my window and looked in.  At that very instant my number two son decided to cry, yell and scream at the top of his lungs.  The officer very quickly assessed the situation and let me off with a warning.  He did lecture me on the safety of using seat belts and keeping children safe while my son screamed the whole time!  My youngest slept through the whole thing.

I wonder how many times that I have done this as a Christian.  I hear God telling me to do something but I do the exact opposite.  Why on earth would I do that?  Just as I grew up with a knowledge of Highway 66 around the area of my hometown I have known my God for a long time.  He knows what is best for me and what I am capable of so why would I do the exact opposite of what I am suppose to do?  It must be my nature, or I think I that it is something I jut can't do or maybe I think it is too hard.  I need to listen, obey and respond just as I wanted my own children to do.  God wants me to use His seat belt!    Sometimes God gives me a grace period and another chance.  Sometimes I receive a ticket.

What about you?  Are you traveling the road of obedience?

Psalm 119:4-6 (NIV)

4 You have laid down precepts
that are to be fully obeyed.
5 Oh, that my ways were steadfast
in obeying your decrees!
6 Then I would not be put to shame
when I consider all your commands.

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