Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mouth full of germs

I went to the dentist last week.  It had been over two years since my last visit and my mouth showed that fact.  The only reason that I went is because I have a tooth that is not whole anymore.  There is a  gaping hole right in the middle of the tooth.  The dentist even asked me if that tooth was used for anything besides storing food.  I guess there were a few bits of food stored in that hole.

I used to go for cleanings every six months but I guess I just didn't make the time or thought it wasn't that important.  I may rethink my thinking!!  I now have a tooth that needs a cap. I also have gum disease. The food that I thought was going down my throat was lodging between my teeth and gums.  It was stuck there and no amount of brushing was adequate.  I have been an intermittent flosser at best and without those cleanings that stuck food turned into germs, bacteria and sick gums.  My gums bleed and are sensitive and gum disease can lead to strokes, blood clots and heart problems.

Since that appointment, I have been back for a cleaning and have scheduled an appointment to fix the tooth with the hole.  The dentist is working on a plan for the gum disease which could include lasering or a new treatment which involves having a cast made of my mouth to make a tray to wear fifteen minutes twice a day with medicine.  The medicine will be in the trays and will soak into my teeth and gums.  This has all came about because I didn't think it was that important to floss or to get regular cleanings at the dentist.  I thought that brushing was all my teeth needed.  I didn't realize that my teeth needed a deeper cleansing to stay well.  My gums will heal with treatment and cleanings but I need to keep those appointments.

I sometimes don't realize that my soul needs a deeper cleaning.  I just go through the motions. I might read a quick verse, pray a short prayer and plan my week during the preacher's sermon.  I guess I just don't take the time or think it is important.  I think my weak attempts are adequate until I have a gaping hole in my soul. I have soul disease!  My soul becomes sensitive and full of germs that can result in heart problems.

I have to go the Soul Doctor!  He will repair the hole in my soul. My soul will heal with regular visits. He reminds me to keep my appointments that cleanse and keep me whole.  I need to keep those appointments!

Do you have a hole in your soul?

Psalm 51:9-10 (NIV)

9 Hide your face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity.
10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

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