Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I have never experienced an earthquake until Saturday night.  I apparently slept through the foreshock earlier that morning.  The one on Saturday night was a strange experience that started with a weird noise and than a sensation of the room moving.  It took me several seconds to realize that this was an earthquake.  It only lasted about 30 seconds and there was no damage to our home.  The newspaper did report that two water lines were affected in Enid.

Last night I heard that weird noise again but didn't really feel any movement.  This noise was in the middle of a thunderstorm but I knew that this was earthquake noises.  My daughter and I were standing looking at each other when this happened and we both said earthquake.  It only lasted about 15 seconds but others felt it too. 

Those closer to the epicenter did experience damage and have been feeling the aftershocks with more intensity than I have.   Their lives are more affected but those shock waves did spread and was even felt in those that live in other states.  There was even a report that the quake was felt in Wisconsin.

Sometimes my life is like an earthquake.  Things happen that I can't control and I can see the shock waves spreading.  The shock waves can spread far depending on the way I react.  The glass of my life might shatter, if I don't remember that the Source who controls the earth shaking earthquakes also controls the life shaking ones.  The Source brings peace even in the midst of chaos!

Isaiah 53:5

New International Version (NIV)

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.


  1. Well, I gotta say, I don't like earthquakes! LOL. They are freaky!

  2. VERY!!! I am not fond of that weird feeling!
