Monday, May 21, 2012

The Journey Continues:Still running fever

Well my stubborn husband has just went out the door to head to work even though he is still running a temperature.  This morning it was running 101.1.  I will be calling the nurse at 8:00 and I told him that I would be.  He seems to have a head full of congestion that does drain to his stomach some.  The good news is it is clear in color.  He did bring some of it up this morning.  I have a feeling that they will want some blood work and ex-rays.  Richard said he was fine with that as long as they don't stick him in the hospital.  Praying that this is just an allergy thing!


  1. It sounds exactly like the allergy junk that has gone around here. Isaac and Jenna have it now and Isaac had a fever yesterday afternoon. I have been giving them both Claritin before bed. They are both running clear and coughing, but I think it was all that wind! Praying for health and healing!

  2. He is having to have a rapid flu test, chest ex-ray and a blood count. They are not making him head to the City. He is able to do that here in Enid. Hopefully they will all come out ok!

  3. Thanks for keeping us posted. Praying everything will come out OK and thankful he doesn't have to go to OKCity!
