Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Journey Continues: Another quick update!

Several people have been asking me about Richard so I thought I would post a quick update.

Richard seems to be doing well.  He has been able to quit taking his anti-rejection drug in the last week, though there are signs to watch for.  He has had to take a shot for low white blood counts and is back on magnesium.  He is now taking about five medicines, which is down from the twenty he was taking when he first came home from the hospital in June.  He was able to skip the IGG infusion the first of April.  He is gaining strength every day but does still come home from work tired most days.  He still takes some naps in the evening. The 17th of April will be his 11 month birthday for his new immune system.  His next Doctor's appointment is in May.

We still appreciate all the prayers!!  We do thank our God for you and your prayers and support!!

1 Corinthians 1:4

New International Version (NIV)
 4 I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.


  1. That is great news. I am still praying for you guys every day.

  2. Sounds as if things are moving in the right direction. You both are a testimony of what it looks like to trust God in the midst of a storm.

  3. Thanks guys!! I should proof read before I post though. LOL April 17th is his 11 months not May!!
