Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Have you ever bombed?

My daughter had her third Seiling Music contest on Friday and she called me after her solo and told me that she had bombed!!  She plays the flute and in the past years had always made a 1 or superior.  I really doubted her words of bombing but she said she stopped in the middle because she forgot where she was, that
she breathed in the wrong spot and just played bad.  She even said the band director said she played terrible.


Saturday she told me of her nerves, getting sick to her stomach and of trembling hands when facing the judge.  She talked again of the band directors remarks.  I tried to soothe her and told her that the more she faced these situations the easier it should be.  I told her to just play, to do her best, to remember what she knew.  She found out Monday that she made a 1-.  I believe that she will learn from this experience.  I wish I could bomb that bad! LOL

The talk of bombing made me think of how often I do bomb.  My life as a follower of Jesus Christ is full of bombs.  Sometimes I tremble, am scared and don't want to do what I should.  Sometimes I just know that my actions were bad.  Some may have even called me terrible!!

The difference is my Judge is my Lord and Savior.  He woos me and comforts me when I am wrong or things I have done bombed.  He has me covered! He is my strength and refuge! I hope I learn from my bombs!  Just as the band judges gave written comments that should help Sarah I have words to read that will help me.  The Bible!

Have you ever bombed?  Who is your Judge?

Revelation 1:2-3

New International Version (NIV)
2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great post Brenda! I know exactly how Sarah feels and I need to tell her this story. When I was a senior in high school at Enid High, I desperately wanted to go to school at OSU and major in Music Education because all of our music teachers from Enid High were from OSU. I didn't want to go to UCO because that is where my older sisters went and I didn't want to follow in their footsteps and be the tag-along little sister anymore. So, I auditioned at OSU with my three percussion pieces I took to contest and received 1's on and I BOMBED the audition. Totally BOMBED it. I took the same three pieces to UCO and got a FULL-TUITION 4-year PAID scholarship! Guess what, I got saved at UCO at the BSU. God wanted me at UCO for a reason so it was totally His will for me to BOMB that audition at OSU.
