Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Journey Continues: Cataract Surgery and CMV Counts

This update is full of good news!! Richard had his cataract surgery Thursday.  It was very quick and he did great.  The surgeon said everything looked good and he was pleased.  His counts were all good and the nurse from OU physicians called that afternoon to let us know that his CMV counts had came down to 100.  Last week they were at 700 and Richard was fighting a stomach bug.  So it is GREAT news that those counts came down and that they came down without starting back on the antibiotic that messes with his white counts.

Sarah did get the stomach bug and threw up on the bus traveling to a basketball game that night.  I got to the game, paid to get in and found her looking very sick in the stands.  I talked to the coach and took my daughter and headed home.  We made one throw up stop on the way home.  She missed the game and also missed the Red Carpet Honor band Friday and today.

I woke up the next morning with a bad headache and by eight o'clock knew that I also had the stomach bug.  It is brutal but at least it is only about a 24 hour bug.  I still have a slight headache today and my stomach and ribs are very sore.  Since I was in the midst of throwing up I was not able to take Richard to his follow up appointment and I do want to thank Richard Stephens for filling in again for me. Thank-you, Richard Stephens!!!

The Dr. said that the cataract surgery went very well and that Richard had minimal swelling and that his eye looked very good.  He will put three different drops a day in his eye until gone.  He is seeing better and ready to get his other eye done.

Pray that Richard will not get that stomach bug again, though it is great that his system was able to fight it off and he did not end up in the hospital.  Pray that his CMV cells will continue to come down to where they should be. Pray that his immune system will continue to work and that the cancer is gone.

Thanks again for all the prayers!!!

Psalm 47:6

New International Version (NIV)

6 Sing praises to God, sing praises;
   sing praises to our King, sing praises.

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