Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Guess What?

I am going to show you some pictures of some plants and flowers and guess what?  I have actually kept them alive for three weeks!  That is a record except for ivy plants and one plant that had pretty pink blossoms that only blossomed once or twice a year.  Other than that I have failed miserably with the rest of the species of plants on this earth.

Every morning as I have watered them I have felt a joy that the plants are not only still alive but are actually growing and those with flowers are keeping their blossoms.  Two of the plants have lost their flowers but they are coming back.   I have to faithfully water or the plants will dry up.

The flourishing plants are like me and my Christian life.  If I water myself daily by Bible reading and prayers I stay in bloom.  If I fail to do this I start to wither and turn brown.  I need to keep watering daily to be the flower that God wants me to be.  I have to faithfully water or my soul will dry up.

Are you thirsty?

James 4:5New Living Translation (NLT)
Do you think the Scriptures have no meaning? They say that God is passionate that the spirit he has placed within us should be faithful to him.


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