Saturday, April 16, 2011

Who's Your Daddy??

Do you know who you are?  Where did you come from and where are you going?  In other words, who's your daddy?  I have seen this question alot lately and it has my mind buzzing.  Most people know who their daddy is, so to me it seemed like a silly question at first but who is your daddy and where did he come from?  What about your mother?

I would venture to say that most of the people reading this blog are citizens of the United States as are most of our parents but is that what makes us who we are?  Are we who we are because of our parents, our experiences or a mixture?  Does if have to do with our ancestry?  What defines who you are?

I was born the fourth of five children to parents of mixed ancestries.  This probably helped define who they became and in that sense who I have become.  My dad's heritage is Hungarian and also from other various parts of Europe.  I have a copy of the citizenship paper where his grandparents and his then two year old father became citizens of the United States in 1892.  My mother was born with a mixture of Irish, Dutch and Indian.  I grew up to stories of how her dad was almost full blood Indian but there is nothing to prove it.  There are stories but nothing on a roll.  My son has found on where my mom's great grandfather married a cousin of President Jackson.  Proof will be when documentation is found.  Does a document define who we are?

My parents may have came from mixed bloodlines and these lines may help define them but their biggest influence on me was taking me to church.  It was there that I learned of a heavenly citizenship and that there is right and wrong.   Their taking me to church is where I learned of the One who took my place and sins to the Cross and His name is Jesus. They pointed me to the perfect bloodline.  My hope is that people realize that my biggest defining point is Jesus.

My name may not be on an Indian roll BUT when the roll is called up yonder I will be there.  My name is on that roll!! Is yours???

                       In memory of my daddy, 1927-1995, and in honor of my mommy!!

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful! Keep up the writing Brenda, you have a gift. love you
